Think back to your very first job interview at a summer camp.
Was it everything you thought it would be? Or was it memorable for all the wrong reasons?
We’ve all had our fair share of interview fails that we look back at and question how we even got to where we are today. But rather than looking back in regret, use these interviews as fuel to better yourself and advance in your career!
Perhaps you are ready to take the next big step and apply for that director position?
If so, then you must prepare accordingly.
Going in blind can give off the impression that you don’t care about the job or that you’re disorganized or unprepared.
An interview for a position such as camp director can be pretty daunting and requires a bit of work before setting foot in that interview room.
Unsure of where to begin? Here are eight things you can do to stand out in a crowded room of camp director applicants and nail that interview:
- Know the Camp Inside and Out
Read any relevant information you can get your hands on. Valuable resources could include camp history, missions, visions, core values, and more business-leaning data such as models of operation, financial records, and even board structures and functions within your camp organization.
- Understand Affiliated Organizations
Most camps follow the rules and regulations of the American Camp Association (ACA). It would be best if you also familiarize yourself with their role and function. Learn how they fit into the camp ecosystem.
- Know The Lay of the Land
If you’re applying to a new camp, research the geography of the area. Figure out how your location can be a selling point for new families and how the camp values its physical property.
- Imagine the Interview Questions Ahead of Time
You can often predict what questions will come up during your initial conversations with camp leaders. Google “interview questions for camp leaders” and start practicing. By taking the time to talk these over with a friend or colleague, you can better hash out your answers. During prep, express your answers differently and from a few points of view to get more comfortable with the subject matter and find your confidence.
- Be Aware of Your Strengths and Weaknesses
It’s vital to know your skillset and in what areas of the job you may be lacking. By diving into what you do well and where you can improve in advance, you can give your interviewer a better idea of what additional help you may need to fill in the gaps. You will also be prepared to intelligently respond to the infamous interview question, “Tell me about your greatest weakness.”
- Show Interest Throughout Your Interview
Don’t be afraid to listen. Sure, you may be doing most of the talking, but there will be moments where your interviewer may offer some advice or information that may spark conversation later on in the interview.
Also, be sure to ask questions. If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. Questions can also be a great way to show your interest in the camp or organization. Remember, you are both interviewing each other to determine fit.
- Radio Silence? Reach Out
Although hearing the results of your interview is a top priority for you, remember the camp is still juggling the interview process and regular operations. If a deadline has passed and you haven’t heard about whether or not they’re proceeding with your application, call or send an email inquiring about your candidacy.
- Thank Your Interviewer
Regardless of how the interview process went, you should always thank your interviewer for the opportunity to speak with them. The best way to do this is with a hand-written thank you note.
With these tips in your back pocket, there’s no reason you won’t advance to the next stage of the hiring process.
Are the pre-interview nerves still getting to you? For even more advice to nail your director interview, schedule a consultation call today!