Assessments & Best Practices




Assessments and Best Practices

There are best practices and norms in the field of camping. KALEIDOSCOPE inc has worked with 1000’s of camps, some who are struggling and others who are thriving and growing. We know quality programs and clear outcomes, the baseline for use and income that is sustainable, typical expenses in differing styles of operations, skills of high functioning leaders – staff and volunteers boards, quality of facilities and property parents and guests expect, and the potential for growth and expansion. Knowing and measuring your program operation in relation to the growing, thriving camp & retreat industry is key to impacting more lives.

Knowledge is Power

For every project, it is central to assess your current situation in light of the norms and best practices in the field. A thorough assessment includes:

  • Use analysis of all guests and groups
  • Financial review and analysis, operating and capital
  • Site and facilities
  • Staffing models
  • Market availability and competition
  • Program models and delivery


In 2022, Lake James had survived the pandemic, and was welcoming a healthy number of users, but their financial situation was challenging. They knew there were structural issues, but didn’t know how to focus their efforts on the right issues in order to get forward momentum.


Set up a consult call.

We’ll talk about your challenges and share our work to see if we are a good fit for one another.

We create a proposal.

The proposal will include scope of service, process, timeline, deliverables and, of course, investment.

We work together.

When your camp thrives, the world is a better place!